This page shows migration instructions if some ButterFaces version require it.
from version | to version | what to do |
>= 2.1.2 | 3.0.0 | <ul><li>See 3.0.0-JEE7 migration stuff</li><li>JEE8 is required</li></ul> |
>= 2.1.2 | 3.0.0-JEE7 | <ul><li>Bootstrap is updated from 3.3.7 to 4.0.0. ButterFaces 3 does not support Bootstrap 3.x anymore. Follow Bootstrap migration guide to upgrade your custom components</li><li>Calendar tag attribute language has been renamed to locale</li><li>jQuery is updated from latest 2.x to 3.2.1. ButterFaces 3 is compatible with jQuery 2 but you have to add your own version of jQuery described here</li><li>All de.larmic.butterfaces packages has been renamed to org.butterfaces.</li><li>Maven dependency de.larmic.butterfaces has been renamed to org.butterfaces</li></ul> |
2.1.1 | 2.1.2 | Use web.xml parameter org.butterfaces.maxLengthText to localize text area max length text |
2.0.0.CR1 | 2.0.0 | <ul><li>combobox components has been removed (use treebox instead)</li><li>components namespace has been changed from http://butterfaces.larmic.de/components to http://butterfaces.org/components</li><li>web.xml parameters has been renamed from de.larmic.butterfaces.x to org.butterfaces.x</li><li>web.xml parameter ajaxDisableRenderRegionsOnRequest has been renamed to org.butterfaces.ajaxDisableRenderRegionsOnRequest</li></ul> |
1.9.14 | 1.9.15 | <ul><li>TreeBox hideRootNode has removed.</li><li>Use List |
1.9.6 | 1.9.8 | <ul><li>Javascript migrated to Typescript</li><li> butter.disableElements has replaced by new ButterFaces.Overlay()</li></ul> |
1.8.17 | 1.9.0 | <ul> <li>ButterFaces code has been moved to GitHub</li><li>Tree model Node.java comes with a description attribute. You may have to extend your custom model</li><li>web.xml parameters de.larmic.butterfaces.glyphicon.collapsing and de.larmic.butterfaces.glyphicon.expansion is no longer supported</li> | | 1.8.8 | TreeNodeSelectionListener has a new Methode boolean isValueSelected(final Node data); |
1.8.5 | 1.8.6 | <ul><li>TableSortModel has been renamed to TableRowSortingModel</li><li>TableColumnDisplayModel has been renamed to TableColumnVisibilityModel</li><li>showColumn and hideColumn has been refactored to update(de.larmic.butterfaces.model.table.TableColumnVisibilty)</li><li>TableOrderModel has been renamed to TableColumnOrderingModel</li><li>orderColumnToPosition has been refactored to update(de.larmic.butterfaces.model.table.TableColumnOrdering)</li></ul> |
1.8.4 | 1.8.5 | TableSingleSelectionListener has a new Methodboolean isValueSelected(final T data); |
1.7.21 | 1.8.2 | Combobox component is filterable at default. Attribute filterable has been removed. |
1.7.16 | 1.7.17 | Table models signature has been changed |
1.7.12 | 1.7.13 | tooltip attribute is no longer supported. If you are using tooltips you have to replace tooltip attribute by new tooltip component as child |